From Monteverde to Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez
Picture of Allan Guevara

Allan Guevara

From Monteverde to Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez by Bus in one day

In this piece of information we put together the bus connections and timing, and schedules of the buses to make it from Monteverde to Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez. Read the information whole because it might look that it loses its sense but I promise it does not.

From Monteverde to Puntarenas

You must get to Centro Comercial Plaza Monteverde in Santa Elena and look for the office of Trasmonteverde.

Bus schedules

Monteverde-Puntarenas, thru Las juntas, lasts 3 hours.
Departs at 4:20 am and 3.00 pm (every day).

Monteverde-Puntarenas, thru Guacimal, lastas 2,40 hours.
Departs at 5:30 am (only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays).

Monteverde-Puntarenas, thru Lagartos, lasts 3 hours.
7:30 am (only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays).

It has a cost of 1570 colones more or less.

The bus ride finishes in Puerto Puntarenas in front of Empresarios Unidos Bus Station.

To double-check the schedule it is always good to visit the Facebook profile of Transmonteverde, where they have updated information regarding their departing times and days.

From Puntarenas to Quepos

The company that runs this route is T.Q.P (Transportes Quepos Puntarenas S.A) and it is located 100 meters east from the entrance of  El muelle (the dock), Terminal de Buses Puntarenas (Puntarenas Bus Station). 


Bus schedules 


Puntarenas – Quepos (buses run everyday)

4.30 am

5.00 am

7.00 am

10.00 am

12.00 md

3.30 pm

4.30 pm

5.30 pm

From Quepos to Palmar Norte

There are two options to get from Quepos to Palmar Norte with Tracopa from Manuel Antonio (La Rotonda) and from the Quepos Bus Station


Bus schedules 


Manuel AntonioPamar NorteSierpe

11.30 am, this one goes straight until Sierpe Town where you can catch the taxi boat to Drake Bay at 4.30 pm. This one also stops in Palmar Norte. You can get on this same bus in Quepos Bus Station at 11.45 am.

From Palmar Norte to Drake Bay or to Puerto Jimenez

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